5e Circle of the SHAMAN Playtest Feedback

You may submit multiple entries. Please submit all feedback by Tuesday, June 14th 2022 

Step 1 of 11

The purpose of this survey is to see how this new material feels when incorporated into a variety of home games. There are no right or wrong answers. We will be discussing balance, flavor, fun levels, confusion, problems, suggestions, etc. Your feedback is extremely valuable. Please read the additional items below and then click 'Yes' or 'No' to indicate whether you understand what's going on here.(Required)
1) The feedback of a brand new player is no more or less valuable than the feedback of a D&D veteran of 30+ years. 2) You should NOT feel the need to look for positive and/or negative things to discuss for any item. Just be honest and thoughtful. 3) If you didn't test a specific part of this content, please skip the question or mark "N/A" (when applicable)